تعرف على أدوات المطور المتوفرة في نظام TRON البيئي

المعلومات الأساسية لشبكة ترون

Tronscan explorer: TRONSCAN | TRON BlockChain Explorer
TRON LINK Wallet: https://www.tronlink.org/
Mainnet introduction:  Networks

TRON Network DAPP Develop Guide

How to build a Web3 APP: Build a Web3 App
DAPP Development Tools: DApp Development Tools 

TRON developer documentation Hub

English Version: https://developers.tron.network
Chinese Version: https://cn.developers.tron.network

TRON Developers Communities

  1. TRON Official Developer group: Telegram: Contact @TronOfficialDevelopersGroupEn
  2. TRON 中文开发者社群: Telegram: Contact @TronOfficialTechSupport2 
  3. TRON Developers Discord: TRON Developers & SRs

TRON TestNet and faucet

  1. Testnet info: Networks
  2. Testnet faucet: https://twitter.com/TronTest2
  3. Get Test Coin from Developer’s Community(Check the group link in the “RON Developers Communities” Section)
  4. Nile Testet faucet: TRON | NILE TESTNET

TRON Network Node info

  1. TRONGrid Node Service: TronGrid
  2. Public nodes: Networks
  3. ANKR: Ankr | The Fastest Web3 Infrastructure
  4. GetBlock: Tron (TRX) node: Connect to Tron Nodes | GetBlock.io
  5. How to Deploy your own Fullnode: Deploy A Node

TRON Dev Tools

  1. IDE for Smart Contract development: https://www.tronide.io/
  2. TRONWEB, a Javascript API Library for interacting with the TRON Network: https://tronweb.network/
  3. Java SDK: Quickstart
  4. Oracle : Introduction to WINkLink | WINkLink Developer Documentation 2 or Band Oracle
  5. TRONBOX, A suite of tools for developing, testing, and deploying smart contracts based on TRON: https://tronbox.io/
  6. Tronwallet Adapter: a set of packages that contain wallet adapters and components for Tron DApps. Tronwallet Adapter


  1. How to Issue a TRC20 Token : Issuing TRC-20 tokens tutorial
  2. How to Issue a TRC721 Token: TRC-721 Token Issuance

Most frequently asked questions of TRON Network

  1. FAQ: FAQ


  1. APENFT Market: https://apenft.io/
  2. NFT Hub(NFT storage based on BTFS): BTFS NFT Hub
  3. Map NFT within ETH/BSC/TRON/BTTC: https://wallet.bt.io/mapping

BitTorrent Chain(BTTC) info

  1. BTTC Bridge: https://wallet.bt.io/bridge
  2. BTTC Explorer: https://bttcscan.com/
  3. BTTC Dev Doc: Introduction to BTTC | Bittorrent-Chain Docs
  4. How to build a DAPP on BTTC: https://doc.bt.io/docs/build-web3-app
  5. BTTC Network info: Network Details | Bittorrent-Chain Docs
  6. BTTC TestNet and Faucet: BTTC Faucet
  7. How to Map Asset within ETH/BSC/TRON/BTTC: Asset Mapping | Bittorrent-Chain Docs
  8. ANKR RPC Endpoint: Ankr | The Fastest Web3 Infrastructure
  9. GetBlock Node Service: BitTorrent Chain (BTTC) node: Connect to BitTorrent Chain Nodes | GetBlock.io

المرجع: https://forum.trondao.org/t/helpful-links-for-developers/51

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